Sunday, September 18, 2011


Lost some travellers; had some trouble with this blog and a "bad" button, I musta pushed. So, we moved on and started another as I couldn't figure out a fix.

Come one by:


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Good Mornin',

Cool, breezy with a few sprinkles; spent most a the day, collecting myself. Made a little progress on the boys run. See if I can't give it a go today, finish the run, get out and find the bunch; check their tank, give 'em a scratch. (And, fix the truck, now I got the part!)

Comin' up blustery today; september's like that.

Have a great day!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Where We Belong

Good Mornin',

Can't even remember if we got a sprinkle, evenin', just cool with some clouds, far as I remember.

Went to town, forty miles, yesterday; hitched a ride with a horse friend, lives six or seven miles south, crow line. 'Bout once a month we meet at the post office and split the gas, take her truck. She had ta do laundry, I had to get some sox, a truck part and groceries. There's a Dollar Store there and ya don't get much choice, but ya can get the basics and the groceries are way cheaper than the tradin' post, half the distance.

I did make the mistake a stoppin' at Mc Donalds, though, sit a spell, get a cup a coffee. Ended up seein' this thing they call a "Frappe'" and thinkin', "well, heck, an iced coffee with whip cream...three dollars...alright, once a month, why not?". Now, I can tell ya "why not!". I only managed to get about a third a the way through it! That thing had more sugar and caffeine in it than anyone with conscience oughta ever consider. And, it was so cold, I had ta quit, 'cause I was gettin' a headache. Now, here it is a day later and I still ain't right; don't believe I slept a wink. Imagine I ate/drank the whole thing?

Anyway, could be worse; once a month re-member, how lucky I am, live in the middle a nowhere, make my own for twenty five cents, a splash a canned milk and a little sugar included, have a sip in the shade while the ponies munch, my eyes calmly restin' right where my maker put em'.

Have a great day!


Friday, September 2, 2011

What About Best

Good Mornin',

Well, it is coolin' off, evenings special. Did have some clouds build up and I could see some storms to the south, but basically another blank. Who knows, different as things are, maybe we'll get some fall out from this depression, that's a fancy word for a storm, headin' for Texas. More crossed fingers.

Woke up this mornin' thinkin' about "try". My heart teacher, once, talked about his commitment, always put his best foot forward. This was some years back, but it always takes me some, catch on. And, I don't wanta pretend I fully understand, but at least I'm thinkin'.

I remember back when I was trimmin' hooves, here local and noticin', that if I got lazy and settled, regular, for "o.k.", when a situation came up, where I really wanted to do a good job, it wasn't easy or, necessarily successful. It really hit me that I might need to up my "try"; maybe nobody else knew, or noticed, but I did.

Now, trimmin' hooves is one thing and I never really aspired to work on high dollar horses or make a real career like that, it was just a way to pay the bills, spend time with horses and help my neighbors. Now, with my eyesight failin' and my back pretty cranky, mostly I just keep my rescues cleaned up. But, there's still life ta live and a planet could use all kinda help and I'm rememberin' that consideration. Whatever's worth doin', it really might, be worth doin' well.

Maybe, it'll never make a difference to anybody else, but it could become a part a me. And, even though we don't often think of life in terms of "opportunity", I do believe there is one; a real relationship! And, if that's true, I could really benefit from an attitude like that. I believe we're full of try, just like horses show me all the time, but until and unless we use it, it just kinda sleeps there inside us and we "fantacize", "oh, ya, when the situation arises, boy will I try!". Reality might be, unless we exercise our try, even when the situation arises and we really want to, we might not be very good at it.

I sure think about funny stuff, but, by and large, it does keep me outta trouble.

Have a great day!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Best Company

Good Mornin',

And, yup hard ta believe; made it all the way to September and not one downpour. Same, same; big black clouds, heavy winds and a sprinkle.

Made a little progress on the boys run; whackin' sage, make a path, role out the horse fence. Gettin' excited ta see 'em out grazin' a little, even if it's just a few weeks.

Now, I gotta get jumpin' try to catch up on the south fences, get the bunch down yonder, make way for the hunters and re-post; always amazin' how no trespassin' signs, tend ta disappear.

Biggest question for me, bringin' the internal quiet with me as things pick up; I really did have quite a spell, this summer, with my pilgrimmage and all, recouperatin' and takin' a little extra quiet. Don't wanta leave it behind; too sweet.

Have a great day!
