Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Good Mornin'

Well, another cool night; sure is pleasant. Older I get, more, it seems, the heat's a little harder ta work with.

Gotta make a hay run today; the mustang boys 'er about out. I'm workin' on a small pasture, also, give 'em a little more room ta roam and stretch the hay a little further. They been real patient, even if I do try ta cut 'em a bushel basket a fresh grass, most every day.

It's a trick, tryin' keep everybody up on the essentials, things in repair, generate the dough, keep it all workin' and find time work with each one, but it's sweet and beautiful exercise. It's kinda like a school, in the best sense; ya gotta pay attention and ya gotta try, but ya grow in the process and learn ta enjoy every part. Especially, the "work with each one" part. That's like the icin' on the cake, 'cause it's the most like "play", dressed up like work.

All the questions that come up; nature and habit. Assumptions of each other and ourselves that get questioned; rules thrown out and agreements reached. The great happiness of discovery and re-discovery that the "why's and how's" aren't near as important as "together".

Have a great day!



P.S. Thanks, again ta Brandon Johnson for the camera work.

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